This form of art has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. In modern times, spray paint, normal paint and markers have become the most commonly used materials. In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without the property owner's consent is considered vandalism, which is punishable by law. Sometimes graffiti is employed to communicate social and political messages. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions; to others it is merely vandalism. Graffiti has since evolved into a pop culture existence often related to underground hip hop music and b-boying creating a lifestyle that remains hidden from the general public. Graffiti is used as a gang signal to mark territory or to serve as an indicator or 'tag' for gang-related activity.
The controversies that surround graffiti continue to create disagreement amongst city officials/ law enforcement and graffitists looking to display their work in public locations. There are many different types and styles of graffiti and it is a rapidly developing artform whose value is highly contested, being reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction." One of the most famous pictures of our new president was made from graffiti in his home town. The author was not shoned upon but praised for capturing the beauty of the president.
Graffiti is not always "bad" or always "pretty". Like an other art form, graffiti is coming from the heart, the core of the artist. Some graffiti expresses what the artist has went through, or what they are going through Like music, they want their art to relate to their art. On the light rail you see "End the War." It is their way of freedom of speech just on YOUR property.
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